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Ex Amministratore
Messaggi: 467
Iscritto il: mer 15/feb/2006 16:54:00
Età: 34

Messaggio da Lux » mer 13/feb/2008 13:35:00

Auguri (in ritardo) a chester! :D


Messaggio da abraxas » mer 13/feb/2008 22:19:00

Auguri anche da noi chester!
(ancora più in ritardo) :oops:

Avatar utente
Saphiry e Deianira
Messaggi: 5082
Iscritto il: lun 13/nov/2006 18:42:00
GPC: 15 nov 2006
Forma: Duck toller
Località: Un po' qui, un po' là
Età: 31

Messaggio da Saphiry e Deianira » dom 17/feb/2008 20:26:00

Auguri!!!! (In super ritardo XD) Superauguronizzimoni!!! XD
7w6, ESTP, Gryffindor, Chaotic Good, Outsider

We're just a step from fearless,
reach out for me, my dearest.
Don't you cry,
you don't know, you're almost near it

1w9, INTJ, Raverin, Neutral Good, A Good Dog

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Fede e Pyrrheus
Messaggi: 1107
Iscritto il: gio 24/gen/2008 21:14:00
Località: Milano.
Età: 29

Messaggio da Fede e Pyrrheus » gio 21/feb/2008 19:34:00

Volevo precisare una piccola cosa in attesa del mio comple: l'utente lyra mitic *pyrry* è stato creato x sbaglio da me con un'indirizzo e-mail sbagliato scusate............
For a long time I was afraid to be who I am, because I was taught by my parents there’s something wrong with someone like me.
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.

-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8

Avatar utente
Saphiry e Deianira
Messaggi: 5082
Iscritto il: lun 13/nov/2006 18:42:00
GPC: 15 nov 2006
Forma: Duck toller
Località: Un po' qui, un po' là
Età: 31

Messaggio da Saphiry e Deianira » gio 21/feb/2008 20:16:00

Auguri lo stesso! XD (In anticipo,ma almeno non corro il rischio di scordarmene,vista la mia memoria da cetriolo XD)
7w6, ESTP, Gryffindor, Chaotic Good, Outsider

We're just a step from fearless,
reach out for me, my dearest.
Don't you cry,
you don't know, you're almost near it

1w9, INTJ, Raverin, Neutral Good, A Good Dog

Avatar utente
Fede e Pyrrheus
Messaggi: 1107
Iscritto il: gio 24/gen/2008 21:14:00
Località: Milano.
Età: 29

Messaggio da Fede e Pyrrheus » gio 21/feb/2008 20:21:00

For a long time I was afraid to be who I am, because I was taught by my parents there’s something wrong with someone like me.
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.

-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8

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Bec *bory*
Messaggi: 1154
Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
Età: 28

Messaggio da Bec *bory* » dom 24/feb/2008 09:56:00

Oggi vorrei fare gli auguri a Lyra che compie 13 anni.Auguri a Lyra e a Pyrry!!! :D :D


Messaggio da tasso85 » dom 24/feb/2008 10:12:00

giusto!!! Augurissimi, Lyra e Pyrry! :D

cosa farete per festeggiare?

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Bec *bory*
Messaggi: 1154
Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
Età: 28

Messaggio da Bec *bory* » dom 24/feb/2008 12:15:00

Forse oggi Lyra e Pyrry nn si presenteranno al forum: magari sono impegnati nei festeggiamenti...

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Luke e Kyriax
Messaggi: 3712
Iscritto il: dom 20/gen/2008 12:57:00
GPC: 19 gen 2008
Località: Torino, Genova
Età: 30

Messaggio da Luke e Kyriax » dom 24/feb/2008 12:15:00

Auguri!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Auguroni anche da parte mia :D :D
INTP - 9w1 - Raverin
(mi hanno detto così; però francamente non ne ho idea)
