The daemian college (gdr)
- Bec *bory*
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1154
- Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
- Età: 28
- Contatta:
- Fede e Pyrrheus
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1107
- Iscritto il: gio 24/gen/2008 21:14:00
- Località: Milano.
- Età: 29
[io veramente pensavo ke fosse Shandrin prima di mettere in gioco qst caos dato ke eladar e shandrin dormivano beatamente...]
For a long time I was afraid to be who I am, because I was taught by my parents there’s something wrong with someone like me.
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
- Bec *bory*
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1154
- Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
- Età: 28
- Contatta:
- Fede e Pyrrheus
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1107
- Iscritto il: gio 24/gen/2008 21:14:00
- Località: Milano.
- Età: 29
[affare fatto, ora continua tu dato che l'idea è tua ok?]
For a long time I was afraid to be who I am, because I was taught by my parents there’s something wrong with someone like me.
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
- Bec *bory*
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1154
- Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
- Età: 28
- Contatta:
- Fede e Pyrrheus
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1107
- Iscritto il: gio 24/gen/2008 21:14:00
- Località: Milano.
- Età: 29
Lyra si girò verso la locanda, affascinata: era molto caratteristica. Nel farlo però si distrasse e il tartaro, approfittando della sua distrazione, la prese cm ostaggio. Lei si divincolò gridando e pyrry azzannò la sua daemon lupa, ma non ci fu molto da fare...Lyra, sperando di avere un'ultima possibilità gridò ai suoi amici rimasti leggermente indietro: "Bec!Luke! Aiut..." ma non finì la frase xke sentì una fitta di dolore lancinante: la lupa era passata all'attacco...
For a long time I was afraid to be who I am, because I was taught by my parents there’s something wrong with someone like me.
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
- Bec *bory*
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1154
- Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
- Età: 28
- Contatta:
- Fede e Pyrrheus
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1107
- Iscritto il: gio 24/gen/2008 21:14:00
- Località: Milano.
- Età: 29
"Grazie bec! Muoviamoci, via di qui! Entriamo in quella locanda, presto! Prima che se ne accorga!" disse lyra, cominciando a correre verso la locanda...
For a long time I was afraid to be who I am, because I was taught by my parents there’s something wrong with someone like me.
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
Something offensive, something you would avoid - maybe even pity. Something that you would never love.
[...] I was afraid of this parade because I wanted so badly to be a part of it.
So today I’m marching for that part of me that was much too afraid to march. And for all the people who can’t march. The people living lives like I did. Today I march to remember that I’m not just a me. I’m also a we.
And we march with pride.
-- Nomi Marks [about Gay Pride], Sense8
- Bec *bory*
- Daemian
- Messaggi: 1154
- Iscritto il: sab 26/gen/2008 14:57:00
- Età: 28
- Contatta:
- Luke e Kyriax
- Amministratore
- Messaggi: 3712
- Iscritto il: dom 20/gen/2008 12:57:00
- GPC: 19 gen 2008
- Località: Torino, Genova
- Età: 29
Luke e Kyr si erano attardati a cercare Bebbe, che evidentemente era rimasto molto indietro, quando sentirono urlare qualcuno...
"? la voce di Lyra!!" esclamò Kyr
Immediatamente si misero a correre verso la fonte dell'urlo: Lyra e Bec non potevano essere lontane: lui era andato a cercare Bebbe solo qualche minuto prima...
Bec urlò "Lyra!!"
Kyr e Luke accelerarono, e dopo circa mezzo minuto si ritrovarono davanti a una locanda, che aveva la porta chiusa...
Non c'era traccia nè di Bec nè di Lyra...
"? la voce di Lyra!!" esclamò Kyr
Immediatamente si misero a correre verso la fonte dell'urlo: Lyra e Bec non potevano essere lontane: lui era andato a cercare Bebbe solo qualche minuto prima...
Bec urlò "Lyra!!"
Kyr e Luke accelerarono, e dopo circa mezzo minuto si ritrovarono davanti a una locanda, che aveva la porta chiusa...
Non c'era traccia nè di Bec nè di Lyra...
INTP - 9w1 - Raverin
(mi hanno detto così; però francamente non ne ho idea)
(mi hanno detto così; però francamente non ne ho idea)